Ready to heal your core holistically?

because it's time for slow and integrative healing

Learn yoga practices to support your body postpartum

  • Pelvic Floor

    Stop doing kegels. There's a better way.

    We'll practice ways to support and stabilize your pelvic floor and abdominals in postpartum. This is a practice in stability, not strength. We want to re-build relationship with our pelvic floor and this means slow and steady progress. It means connection over challenge. It means being able to release and engage equally.
  • Core + Distasis

    After pregnancy your body is never the same. Your brain matter literally changes. Your bones move. Your organs shift. Your muscles push and pull and spread.

    Here we practice gentle drawing back towards center, towards midline, drawing inward is both energetically and physically what our bodies are looking for after the expansion of pregnancy and birth.

    You'll learn gentle ways to engage your core, repair diastasis, and rebuild stability and steadiness in your core so that you can play with your child(ren) and do the activities you love.
  • Mental Health

    Postpartum mental health comes with so much stigma, fear, and feeling the need to hide our pain under this guise of "enjoy every moment"

    With the pandemic making mental health issues more prevalent and with less outlets for support and community and connection, this group will discuss ways to support mental health through a yoga practice and community building.
  • Body Literacy

    When you spend time each day listening, learning, and understanding the signals from your body, you're going to be able to navigate healing postpartum as well as parenthood with an innate wisdom. We're going to practice ways to connect to your 'new' body, accept it as it is right now, give it nourishment and kindness, while also practicing understanding when it's time for challenge and when it's actually time for rest.

  • Sleep

    The most talked about aspect of new parenthood is by far, sleep. How much is baby sleeping? How much are you sleeping? Where are they sleeping? How many times are they waking? What are baby's naps like? You're sleeping when the baby sleeps, right?

    We got what you need: delicious and luxurious sleep meditations to help you calm your body and mind for sleep. Some practices to help baby sleep, and some supportive information of various methods and 'sleep experts' that can give you some sleep support
Join this self-paced, virtual series to heal and connect to your postpartum body. We’ll use the tools of yoga to guide you through rebuilding stability and increasing physical capacity. You'll learn how to heal your diastasis and reconnect to your pelvic floor. You'll explore ways to heal prolapse and incontinence as well as understand how to engage and release your pelvic floor.

Self-Paced Course: You’ll have access to 5 or more pre-recorded practices within each topic and access to the whole course for 100 days.

Pricing options

Course curriculum

  1. 2
    • Postpartum Principles of Healing

    • Building Your Healing Routines + Practices

    • Ayurveda and Postpartum - Nervous System Support

    • Jaw Release - Self Massage + Yoga Stretches

    • Restorative Yoga for Pelvis and Back

    • A Meditation for Allowing Flexibility

    • Body Scan Meditation for Sleep

  2. 3
    • Introduction to Breathing Section

    • Breath as a Nervous System Support

    • Breath + Posture

    • Breath's Connection to Core and Pelvic Floor

    • Double Exhale

    • Nadi Shodhana - Alternate Nostril Breathing

    • Meditation on Personal Power, Strength, and Courage

  3. 4
    • Introduction to the CORE Section

    • Steady Compassion Meditation + Heart Womb River Gesture (do this prior to womb massage)

    • Womb Space Massage

    • Belly Binding Tutorial

    • Glutes & Back are part of your Core too!

    • Building Core Stability

    • Twists!

    • Restorative Yoga Practice - 13 min

    • BONUS: Finding Sanctuary: A Restorative Yoga practice - 55 min

  4. 5
    • Introduction to The Pelvic Floor

    • Pelvic Floor and Emotions/Mental Health

    • Constructive Rest and Pranayama

    • Breath Observation, Legs up the Wall, & Pelvic Floor Release

    • The Real Kegels!

    • Pelvic Floor Fast Twitch Muscles

    • Internal Pelvic Floor Exploration

  5. 6
    • How the Pelvic Floor Moves with Breath

    • Pelvic Floor & Abdominals

    • Embodiment

    • Integration