Ready to heal your core holistically?
because it's time for slow and integrative healing
Self-Paced Course: You’ll have access to 5 or more pre-recorded practices within each topic and access to the whole course for 100 days.
Self-Paced Course & 100 days access to content
Course Extension - 100 days
Postpartum Principles of Healing
Building Your Healing Routines + Practices
Ayurveda and Postpartum - Nervous System Support
Jaw Release - Self Massage + Yoga Stretches
Restorative Yoga for Pelvis and Back
A Meditation for Allowing Flexibility
Body Scan Meditation for Sleep
Introduction to Breathing Section
Breath as a Nervous System Support
Breath + Posture
Breath's Connection to Core and Pelvic Floor
Double Exhale
Nadi Shodhana - Alternate Nostril Breathing
Meditation on Personal Power, Strength, and Courage
Introduction to the CORE Section
Steady Compassion Meditation + Heart Womb River Gesture (do this prior to womb massage)
Womb Space Massage
Belly Binding Tutorial
Glutes & Back are part of your Core too!
Building Core Stability
Restorative Yoga Practice - 13 min
BONUS: Finding Sanctuary: A Restorative Yoga practice - 55 min
Introduction to The Pelvic Floor
Pelvic Floor and Emotions/Mental Health
Constructive Rest and Pranayama
Breath Observation, Legs up the Wall, & Pelvic Floor Release
The Real Kegels!
Pelvic Floor Fast Twitch Muscles
Internal Pelvic Floor Exploration
How the Pelvic Floor Moves with Breath
Pelvic Floor & Abdominals