Childbirth Education
Preparing for a Hospital Birth
Education, Yoga, and Somatics to prepare you for labor and birth
You'll learn the stages of labor from a medical perspective, your felt experience, and what your partner might look for and notice in the various stages.
We'll talk about things like the Bishop's Score and it's importance, the power of maternal positioning through each stage of labor, fetal positioning, and how to build your unique birth plan.We'll learn about variations of normal, complications, urgent and emergent situations, explore when and why your providers may want to perform operative or surgical delivery, how to navigate making choices in the heat of the moment, and explore the options you have in several of these circumstances.
We'll also talk about different times in labor that are 'intervention heavy' and what types of interventions are common place, their efficacy, as well as their risks and benefits.Preparing your mind includes preparing your nervous system, your voice, and understanding your preferences as your body is expressing them to you.
In this course we use practices that connect you to your bodily experience, give your fears an expression point, and practice what it means to advocate for yourself or your partner. I want you to leave this class empowered to express your preferences and to trust yourself as a decision-maker for your family.I'm so happy you're here!
FREE PREVIEWGratitude for my Teachers
Birth Prep List, from week 36
Welcome Video!
Class 1 - Belly Map & Stage 1 of Labor
Class 2 - Stages 2 & 3 of Labor
Class 3 - Interventions & Complications
Class 4 - Maternal Movement & Pain Management
Class 5 - Risks, Decision-Making, & Building a Birth Plan
Move Your Body Every Day!!
The Miles Circuit
Spinning Babies: Three Sisters
Stage 1: Cervical Changes | Phase 1: Early Labor
Stage 1: Cervical Changes | Phase 2: Active Labor
Stage 2: Pushing & Birth
Stage 3: Birth of the Placenta
Stages of Labor: Video
Bishop's Score Basics
Active Labor & Labor Dystocia
Cervical Dilation: Video
The Fear-Tension-Pain Cycle
The 3 R's by Penny Simkin: Relaxation, Rhythm, Ritual
3 R's Movement Practice
Building a Circuit
Maternal Positioning and Pain Relief
Labor and Birth Positions
Labor and Birth Positions with Epidural
Counter Pressure
Nitrous Oxide
Other Pain Relief Options
Envision Your Ideal Birth
The Power of Affirmations, A Study
Make Your Own Affirmations
Advocacy and Informed Consent
Making Decisions
The ARRIVE Study
Induction Methods
Fetal Monitoring
Gestational Diabetes - Induction
Inducing for Due Dates
IV Fluids
Continuous Fetal Monitoring
Fundal/Uterine Massage
Epidurals During the Second Stage of Labor
Effects of Epidurals on Breastfeeding
Big Babies
Group B Strep - GBS
Failure to Progress
Gestational Diabetes - Diagnosis
Postpartum Hemorrhage
Premature Rupture of Membranes
Neonatal Hypoglycemia
Birth of the Placenta (Third Stage of Labor)
The First Hours After Birth
Circumcision pt 2
Vitamin K
Eye Ointment
Questions to consider...
Plan A
Plan B
Plan C
Build Your Birth Plan
Gentle Cesarean Document by Camille Vidal
Signs for the Door
Hospital Bags
Breathing Baby Down
How to Push
Yoga for Core Strength to Prepare for Pushing
Creating Your Postpartum Sanctuary
The 7 Principles of Postpartum
The Postpartum Plan
Postpartum Vaginal Steaming Study
The Forth Trimester
Caring for Your Postpartum Body
Infant Feeding
Diaper and Feeding Cart
Postpartum Resources and Supports
SWTC Attendance Form - for SWTC Students Only
Student Midwife & Yoga Therapist